Spengler Museum and Spengler House: Experience town and regional history
Our large house at Sangerhausen railway station is much more than just a town museum: the collection covers the entire region and goes back to prehistory and early history! Its origins lie in the commitment of the "Verein für Geschichte und Naturwissenschaft in Sangerhausen und Umgegend" (Society for History and Natural Science in Sangerhausen and the surrounding area), which was founded in 1872 and opened the town's first museum in 1911. A very special citizen of Sangerhausen contributed to its further growth: the master carpenter and local historian Gustav Adolf Spengler (1869 - 1961) assembled a private collection on prehistory, natural history and town history in his house, which became part of the museum's holdings in 1937. His house still stands today and bears witness to Spengler's enormous passion for collecting, along with other showpieces and interiors. Museum and home: two typically Sangerhausen places, completely different and yet closely interwoven. Welcome to history!